- glitter graphics great site has tons of stuff
- another link lalalal more stuff
- akaka lalalal
- link to site great site has tons of stuff
- another link lalalal more stuff
- baabbaba lalalal
web mat
- link to site great site has tons of stuff
- another link lalalal more stuff
- baabbaba lalalal
- arkm's links
super long masterlist of helpful sites!
- whimsical's crrd
has a ton of resources/codes/sites 4 website building!
- jasminnie's weebly
some helpful code snippets + graphics and widgets!
- css cheat sheet and html cheatsheet
interactive code generator - make buttons, gradients, borders etc
- scm player
probs the simplest music player u can put on ur site!
- css grid generator
create css grid template/format without coding
- fitz code snippets
some useful code snippets
- rss feed embed
display an active blog on ur site!
- lissa explains
super helpful blog going over html and css basics!! perfect 4 beginners